BytePhase Quick Reply : how useful are they?

By Published On: July 27th, 2023Categories: Boost your business, Features, Tips & Tricks1.3 min read
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Steps to Create Quick Reply’s

Login to the BytePhase portal then click on a business logo 

  • Then Click on  Job Settings ->Quick Reply
  • As shown in the image, click on the [ + ] button
Quick reply
  • A pop-up will appear 
  • Enter the heading and description of your Quick Reply on the popup
Canned Response
  • The Quick Reply will be created as soon as you click on the Save button

Steps to Use Quick Reply’s

Use when changing the Status of a Repair/Recovery job 

  • The job listing page can be accessed by clicking the Jobs tab in the sidebar, then clicking on the job action menu.
    • Jobs->Action Button->Update Status
  • You will see the Status Change pop-up
  • Those pop-ups offer you the option to write a comment about why the status needs to be changed 
  • Most of the time, we have the same reasons, so to avoid writing messages, we use pre-written Quick Reply’s 
  • Above that comment box on the popup, you have a dropdown menu with Quick Replys
  • Select a response from that list, and it will automatically appear in the comment box
Canned Response
  • Throughout the system, you will get this select Quick Reply wherever it is required. 
    • Status change popup
    • Change Assignee Popup
    • Follow-up popup for leads
    • Likewise, etc.

It’s done! 🎉 You’ve created Quick Replys and learned how to use them with Bytephase.

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Vishwajit Sayambar

Full Stack Developer at BytePhase

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